How Weetabix and baked beans achieved viral success

Weetabix and Heinz baked beans – name a more iconic duo. We’ll wait.

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February 18, 2021

Maite Gonzalez

If we had said that a few weeks ago, you’d have thought we were crazy. But unless you’ve been on some kind of hiatus from social media, chances are you’ll have heard about Weetabix taking the Twittersphere by storm. Their tweet on 9 February served up the divisive food combination of baked beans (Heinz Beanz) draped over a couple of bix for breakfast with a twist.

Now, we’re not here to judge anyone’s food choices. However, this tweet has triggered a huge wave of engagement from consumers – and it’s especially interesting to see lots of brands getting involved.

The campaign was all organic (no paid social) and actually originated back in November. A recipe for chicken coated in crushed Weetabix and breadcrumbs highlighted the hot topic of food combos on social media, and this led to planning for a series of these strange combinations.

Some brands responded with witty banter.

Sainsbury’s combined another viral hit (amusingly brought to us by Jackie Weaver) in their reply.

Other brands went a step further and captured their own contentious food combinations.

This meant applying our own agility too, as we helped Morrisons craft their response by shooting this combination of avocado and egg on their own-brand wheat biscuits.

Morrisons wanted to get involved with the fun of Weetabix’s campaign, bring a bit of humour to their account and make people smile. This has been one of their highest-performing recent tweets.

Even non-food brands have been getting in on the action.

Piece of cake if you ask us…


Given that we’re a visual content studio specialising in food and drink, we just couldn’t help ourselves from coming up with our own version.

We like to add that little something special, so what better way than to top this cake – made from sumptuous layers of Weetabix and baked beans – with delicious cream cheese icing?

Weetabix and Baked Beans Go Viral